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A composting program debuted in Sonoma State University's Zinfandel Dining Room in the spring 2012 semester as part of the campus' commitment to adopting sustainable practices, and at the urging of the governing student group, Associated Students (AS).The program now takes places in the Student Center.

All pre- and post-consumer compostable items are sorted, then transported by North Bay Recycling to the Carneros Ranch in Petaluma. In turn, an estimated 40 tons of material is expected to be salvaged each semester.

The program utilizes nature's process of recycling organic materials – including paper, egg shells and yard trimmings – into a rich soil known as compost.

Composting services are expected to expand to all on-campus dining venues following a review of the initial campaign. A similar pilot program is being developed in the Residential Community to allow students living on-campus to participate in this sustainability effort.